

My father designed / as only he can / our perfect / much loved / house. / Eleven years ago / he added two stories / which redefined the ground floor. / The downstairs toilet / for example / used to be storage space. / We'd intended tiling it with tiles from the 70s / but couldn't find enough of them. / Going from shop to shop / we did however find / an eclectic selection of tiles / which I painstakingly arranged in a random pattern. / And the question is: / Which of the 440 tiles / appears only once? /

This post is dedicated to Laura  


  1. חחח... אני עניתי על השאלה מזמן בלי לדעת אפילו שיש שאלה כזו... זוכרת? יצאתי מהשירותים ואמרתי: "הי, יש רק ____אחד..." השירותים האלה אהובים עליי יותר מכל שירותים אחרים שפגשתי בחיי!!! ואן אוף א קיינד

  2. !!!חולה על השירותים שלכם
    ... והפיפי הוא רק תירוץ...

    וכל הצבעים האלה?-תענוג! מתאים לי בול לסיום יום קשה שכזה

    נשיקות מותק

  3. This is the most colorful post till today, and although we need a magnifying glass to read the dedication, the potter overseas will love it!!! she already told me that when she's in need of inspiration, she's browsing your blog.
    She might wants to buy a ticket just to have the honor to seat in your washroom:)

  4. מקסים מקסים ....מי אמר שאני לא אוהבת צבעים!!!

  5. This has to be the most beautiful bathroom in the whole wide world..........I could sit for hours in that room............one day I might.........thanks for the dedication............I'm honoured
