I was first to bed last night / and first awake this morning. / I relished the thought / that after taking Nana for a walk / I'd be spending the day crocheting and reading. / But on opening the fridge I discovered / that there'd been an overnight adolescent raid. / So it's back to the pots and pans for me. /
Judging from the Blog, (says Mamoushinka) one might get the impression that this family is most of the time eating, or buying food or preparing it. Which is true only to a point .Our "convivialite" is really our rallying motivation, "family and/or friends"! And a choice of dishes makes such lovely pictures ! Bisous P.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm hungry, I have wanted to eat "poireaux" since 2 weeks so now I know what I will buy at the market this after noon.