

I'm not really an adventurous person / cautious / would describe me better / but this morning / I summoned up courage / and went sailing for the first time / with my son. / It was such a trip / we had so much fun! /


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpbuqh12oj4

  2. Your beautiful son... he looks like a young 21st cen. Clark Gable.

  3. Et bien maintenant que tu as eu ton batpeme de l'eau et que tu as meme aime ca, et bien encore une raison pour venir nous visiter, on te promet une sortie avec overnight dans le bateau:) bougies et vins au menu.
    אורית אם את רוצה לדעת מה כתבתי, תתאמצי
    Shabbat Shalom

  4. I'm still in shock from that croqueted rainbow cap. I don't think I'll ever recover.

  5. החופש עושה לך טוב! את נראת נפלא ומאושרת!ממולץ לחזור על זה פעם בשלוש חודשים למשך שבוע פלוס.

  6. שכחתי להוסיף: שמש+צמר לא ממולץ לצרוך ביחד בייחוד מלווה במי מלח....ובן שלך הורס

  7. Ziggypasi, What do you mean "ill-advised"? Wearing that crotchet rainbow condom on one's head, while sailing on the Mediterranean, with a beautiful young man, has to be a criminal violation of something. Even if that young man is one's son, surely there's an obligation not to embarrass him?

    I explained this to Talia, but I think that all the crocheting has gone to her head (or ears), because she thought I was being funny. but I'm dead serious. The minute I get back I intend to intervene and am fully prepared to take drastic measures if needed, this crotchet obsession has got out of hand.
